Wednesday CNN's Headline News delivered a hard-hitting expose — on a web site offering free boob jobs.
After showing the obligatory footage of the site's models, CNN reporter Erica Hill asked commentator Glenn Beck what he thought of MyFreeImplants.com. (Beck's first comment was a request for another look at the site's photographs.) But Erica Hill remained unimpressed, arguing that if she wanted to pimp her photograph to earn boob job money — she'd just do it herself.
This titillating report overlooked the fact that the site's been in operation since 2005. It was started after a Vegas bachelor party, if you believe the site's history page. My Free Implants hopes to attract registrations from both female and male customers — offering the women a chance to "work their way" to breast implants by instant messaging and chatting with the site's male customers. (Along with sending them customized photos or selling "personal items or gifts".)
"Ladies," it asks. "Have you ever wanted bigger breasts? But couldn't afford the expensive costs of surgery?"
"Gents. Help the girl of your dreams get the body of her dreams..."
"Do I have to pose naked?" is a frequently asked question. (No, a FAQ explains, though some ladies "choose to reward donors with sexy photos," and just how "sexy" the photos get "varies greatly from person to person.") The site graciously informs its female members that they "can upload an unlimited number of pictures of yourself," and brags without irony that it's uniting the women with "benefactors" who "wish to help these women improve their self esteem and confidence..."
If you're skeptical, don't worry. My Free Implants also includes what it says are the women's testimonials about their visits to their plastic surgeons. "Lemme see what ya got here, buddy," one woman reports her surgeon as saying.
I actually laughed out loud, but then I realized he was serious. So I showed him what I got here, buddy... Needless to say, he took one look at my breasts and said, "Holy Mackerel! I've seen 14 year-old boys with larger breasts!" No, he didn't. He just squeezed them. Then he squeezed them some more. Then he pointed to my nipples and said the implants would perk them up....and then squeezed my breast again to show me how my nipple would pop up. I felt a bit like Charmin by the time he was done...
In fact, My Free Implants is very proud of its accomplishments, saying they are "on pace to average" one free breast augmentation surgery every month. Another page boasts that "MyFreeImplants.com is the first website of its kind to harness the global power of the Internet to service the unique needs and desires of its members."
There's a page showing "before and after" pictures, of course — plus what it says are excerpts from the press coverage.
"See that's what makes our country great!"
— Jay Leno
"You're doing the lords work! I want to thank you..."
— Former Loveline host Adam Carolla
"...honestly the government should be funding this site it's so great!" — some deejays from KROQ
It proves an age-old truism about the internet — where there's breasts, there's an audience. But apparently their business model has still gone through some changes since 2005. "We used to offer a wide range of free cosmetic surgery procedures," the online FAQ explains, but "we discovered over time...that those that were contributing to fund the surgeries, were really drawn to the site based on the concept of helping to fund free breast implant procedures." (Although this is contradicted by another page on the site which still announces that "we do have relationships with a variety of cosmetic surgeons and often provide our female clientele with other cosmetic surgeries at no cost.")
Women can choose their own surgeon, of course — and in fact, the site appears to be making a hefty income just from banner ads touting various cosmetic surgery centers.
They're also offering the services of the site's official spokesmodel. "She was the very first lady to reach her goal of earning a free boob job," the site explains, and Natasha "now takes time to help other women in similar positions." And, it adds, she's also available for "modeling assignments." She must have taken MyFreeImplants.com's unique philosophy for success to heart:
"You do not need to possess anything but an open mind and an adventurous spirit."
See Also:
The Celebrity Breast Conspiracy
World Sex Laws
They're Dreaming of a Boobs Christmas
Sex Expert Susie Bright Let's It All Out
Libertarian Chick Fights Boobs With Boobs
Downfall of the Seducer
If you want a site that doesn’t make a women into a virtual whore but still provides a support network to raise money for plastic surgery, try http://www.AugmentationNation.com. Complete with reference materials and a surgeon database. See you there!
Truly, I love women. But damn, I hate fake tits. Hate them. And I hate shows like Dr. 90210 with a passion. Ladies, your tits are great the way nature made them.
its a con i raised $1500 and they deleted my profile without warning i lost all the money i am so disgusted with this i have had no replys to email nothing.Dont do it its a con these guys take the money you raised and pretend you never excists am looking to take legal action
I am a male member of MFI and I really do think this is a gret site for women,to come and earn money to,get free breasts implants.I learned of the site froma mutual friend,that was a member to got her breasts done.I agree alot of guys go on the site in hopes of seing breasts.The site is not meant to be an adult site.Its is purely for the women to meet new people and get somethin to make them feel better about themsleves.Myself I think these women are beautiufl without the augmentations.If it makes them feel better about themselves than so be it.I have talked to many women on this site,And their normal women.They are wives,mothers,sisters,&duaghters.They dont have to give pictures that are nude,heck i know several that don’t.It isn’y much different than many other charity,They are just asking for help to do somthing that in their normal lives they would never be able to do one their own.Plastic surgery can be very exspensive.This is just helps provie a place where they can,earn the money to get something they have wanted for a variety of reasons.Yes some sweet talk the men and hold a variety of questionable auctions,That doesnt make it wrong,each woman has her own ways of getting what they want,its no different than being a corprate bussiness woman and usiing her sexual inffluence to persuede her clients a certain way.lol,I say if you got it flaunt it and if you know how to work it than use it to the best of your ability.Now this is Just my oppinon.I think the site is a grat thing and I gladly donate money to help these women out.Least this way I know my money is actually getting to the designated recepiant,and its somethin that will make them feel better about themselves.
Maybe we can have a site that hooks these women up with a shrink. That’s what they really need!!
What a scam… I personally know of three women that have lost there “donations” So who benefits if I do donate, certainly not the model whom I thought I was giving my money too. Wish someone from the Justice department would investigate them for racketeering. One of the Ladies made it all the way threw her surgery. Later to find out that Jason would not pay the balance. So it got reported to her credit report.. I thought I as making a difference and being kind hearted and helping someone achieve some self confidence and improving her/ there life. I was wrong. I have asked many times how was the money I donated to this young women spent? Jason always has a reason for not answering.
Save your money guys! or find away to donate it straight to them…
I am a male. I like big boobs. How can I grow my breasts. I would appreciate your suggestions.
As with most things in life it’s always best to check them out for yourself. I’ve been a member of MyFreeImplants for over two years. Donated to dozens of girls. If someone got there money taken, it would be all over the blogs and I would have received emails asking me to complain or help out. In the two years I’ve been around no one hasn’t had an operation paid for.
FYI I believe “Scott” is actually a female member named Trisha who in fact had her boob job paid for, then attempted to start a competing site. Obviously she has an incentive to bad mouth the community. Sad…
I would just like to say that i am a female member on m.f.i and have recieved $150 so far in the 3 weeeks that i have been a member. Lots of the male donors or “benefactors” just want to chat and make friends, but some do actually want somthing in return i.e photos or videos. Yes ive sent soft pornography videos and naked photos, but i am comfy in doing that. It is the girls choice what she does. At the end of the day, ive wanted implants for a very long time and would do what is needed to get them.
Hi there! I am a member of MyFreeImplants!! A female member that happened to make it to the HALL OF FAME!! I earned 4k through this site and now have fantastic breasts!! I never had to ‘whore’ myself out and these guys really wanted to help out of the kindness of their hearts!! THANK YOU FOR MY FREE IMPLANTS!! [[and eff the haters and people that say this site is a scam, my breasts and I are living proof this site is real!!]]
After having 3 children in my Life no matter how hard I work out my breasts will never be the same and they look horrible and I can’t stand to see myself in a mirror or wear swim clothing. Please help me to be beautiful again and confident.
breat implants that are internally filled with saline solution are much safer compared to those silicone oil based type”`”
cosmetic surgery procedures are very very common these days as more people demand for some improvement on their appearance
That is really bad promoting things like that. It gives women false hopes and also exploits them. Looking at the comments above from the lady who had her profile removed is terrible. Especially seeing how many women are drivin these days to have breast procedures they are even having saline injections done by people in their homes. Not good. Stay natural it is the best way anyway